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Web Apps vs Native Apps

Businesses who use Mobile App Development to assist them can choose to use either web apps or native apps. Here’s a look at Web App Development and Native App Development to help your business decide which option is better.

The Basics

Native apps function on a device while Web apps run on the inside of a web browser frame. You must download native apps from the app store and then install it to access the app. Web apps run directly through the web browser and can be pinned to the home screen just like regular apps.

Native Apps

Native Apps Are Compatible With Others

Many native apps give you the option to sign in using a social media account such as Facebook or Twitter. This helps simplify the log in process and save you some time. Many web apps are not equipped to allow you to use other apps to sign in.

Creative Features

Many native apps have unique features such as a proximity sensor and wake lock. These are features that are only available through a smartphone. The wake lock feature occurs when an app is able to overrule the settings for turning off the screen after the phone has been inactive for a lengthy amount of time. Many web apps do not have these features.

Web Apps

Web apps are known for their ability to create an app like experience for the user while they are viewing the content in a web browser. Many web app creators specifically looked for ways to eliminate a lot of these issues that people complain about when they use native apps.


Web Apps Are Compatible

Today, many web apps are using the newest edition of HTML, a coding language that serves as the foundation of the internet. Billions of people use the internet every day. That creates lots of opportunities for businesses that prefer web apps.

A Simple Experience

You don’t have to use any energy to try out a web app. You may only have to make a simple click to bring up a web app compared to using a native app, where you’ll have to find the app, download it, and then install it before using it.

Effective Design

Many web apps are able to implement the design capabilities that mobile websites use. Once the program has been written, it can run on any platform. The content adjusts itself based on the screen size and the type of device that the web app is being accessed on. The web app experience will likely be the same regardless if you need to move an arrow around the screen or if you are swiping up and down or across on your smartphone.

Affordable Entry

Due to the relative ease of creating a web app for consumers, businesses can save money even as they develop, launchPsychology Articles, and promote the app. The relatively low cost of entry makes web apps attractive to businesses that want to see a quick return on their investment.

Already Included

Mobile web app compatibility, otherwise known as a Progressive Web App capability (PWA), is a standard feature of our websites. Most WordPress themes today support Responsive Design, meaning they’ll work on any device and look great! On top of the built-in support, we tune our websites to take advantage of the latest mobile web technologies to mimic native apps as closely as possible, so your users won’t know the difference.

Want to Learn More?

Get in touch with our team – we’ll show you how simple it is to implement a mobile-friendly site without costing you any more than you’re already paying. We’ll help you tailor your site to your visitors and be more than mobile-ready.

Hit that blue button below to get in touch.

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